Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Madcap Adventures of Pharnabus Filch #1

So I did a strip based on the title of the blog with more of a library focus. Its rough..very rough but what the on the picture to make it legible..

we've all been there right folks?


  1. True,very true. I found what I at first thought was a condom wrapper in a book today. fortunately it turned out to be a blister pack for medications (large ones).

    Love the comics and finding out how to navigate around them has been good for my computer skills

  2. I once found a dirty sock in a returned book. Gross.

    Love the comic :)

  3. At a previous organisation, we had a gentleman that regularly used pieces of his breakfast as bookmarks. We would regularly see dried strips of bacon or dry toast in the returned books.

    Oh love the comic style - if you could be pursuaded I would love to see a strip from you in each week's content in the follow-on course next year.

  4. Mmmm bacon... I wish we got yummy things back in our books.

  5. Saw a person sneeze straight into a library book. once

  6. I once tried to flush a library book down the school toilet. That was pretty gross particularly if it was later returned. I'm not sure what happened after it was flushed. I was only 8 at the time and terrified of being caught with this way overdue library book.

  7. How about a whole series of Pharnabus's episodes with library books? Love your work.

  8. I found $20 in a book once, I took it over to the returner hoping it was a token of gratitude to our excellent service but they took it back without a word so I guess it wasn't!

  9. Recently someone returned a book with a piece of sandpaper as a bookmark. Obviously not enough friction with a standard bookmark for his/her liking. Michael, I think you should start wearing a red tie to work.

  10. I found dope in a book oncee, a book about hydroponics (yes, strange that). The guy gave it to me to return, the bud dropped out on the counter and the guy just looked at it, looked at me and walked away.
