Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Delicious and such.

I feel like I'm starting off a lot of posts with "i'm not really into.." but its the same case here. I went through the whole Delicious thing in my uni course and i dont really get into social bookmarking myself. I mean, I see the advantage in having your bookmarks in the cloud so you can access them anywhere but I'm just as happy to use my own bookmarks on my own computer most of the time. And i can see the advantage of sharing bookmarks with others but I'm not worried about sharing my bookmarks with anyone and not too fussed on people sharing them with me. But again, thats just me.

Delicious is a good way of collating information and being able to jump directly to a topic or subject you may be interested in I guess. But i follow the sentiments of another blogger where I like to just search and sicover the information myself mostly. I've never really clicked with social bookmarking but I can definitely appreciate their importance and how they're used. (can you tell I'm strecthing for my 100 words - a rarity with me, normally I don't want to stop typing.)

I Do understand how they're helpful when it comes to implementations like Librarything though which is a very cool site. Unfortunately I'm not reading many books at the moment and I feel a little self conscious if I start clogging up Cockburns Librarything account with Graphic Novels..I wonder if theres specifically a site like that for comics. Will have to look into that as it could be rather cool. As far as I know Librarything has GN's in there as well - i just feel a little self conscious as the Librarys widget would be then filled with Spider-man and Batman. :) I should explain that on the Cockburn Library blog (and possibly the webpage, not 100% sure) they have a widget which shows all the books that the Librarystaff are currently reading.

Edit: As you can see by my librarything widget which is running all over the rest of the sites real estate, I've filled it with graphic novels in my collection. Librarything is pretty cool - and since i started putting graphic novels in my collection I've been contacted about putting up reviews or something. Im sure they're sent to every single person who puts graphic novels in their collection though but hey. *End Edit

Unfortunately I havent updated my reads for quite a while as apparently I'm still reading Lirael and a Harry Potter book. Oops. Sorry Lawley.

I've popped a few links over on the right there which should take you to my very empty delicious links collection which at the moment pretty much consists of the trailer to the new Green Lantern movie (!!) which just came out today! The Trailer that is, not the movie.


Edit: Just added my own Librarything feed. Unfortunately it doesnt seem to want to animate which is making me sad. Oh well, I'll figure it out. Edit: I did, Yay me!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. I always feel very voyeuristic on www as I seem to do more looking than adding.
